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Providing listening ears to help you maintain your mental health

Let go of your fears & shed all burdens of your mind is a free platform where we encourage all to speak out your mind and take out the negative thoughts bottled up inside, to help improve mental health state. We offer our listening ears to all the minds that need listening via telephonic conversations or WhatsApp.

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Speak your mind to vent out pent up energy and emotions to maintain your mental well-being.

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Writers and students of psychology are continuously working to provide you with authentic and reliable information to help you maintain your mental well-being.

What are you searching for?

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Providing a safe space for people to come together and speak their mind freely without any fear of judgement. Join our members area and start discussing and sharing today!

People's Experiences, a treausure of human stories!

Through our YouTube channel we are creating videos on different areas of mental well-being to promote awareness in India and help people in helping themselves.

Why choose SYM?

No consultation fee

Our services provided are free of cost. However, to keep our operations running and free, we are open to receive any amount of donation from our happy callers and well wishers.

A trusted friend

We are strictly dedicated to ensure your complete privacy and the information you provide is protected with us all time.


You can connect with us anytime on call or whatsapp. You can also schedule an appointment with us through email or message.

Undented services

Our listening ears are available to anyone who needs to be heard and has things going inside the mind which should be taken out for their own well being.

Featured Articles

Support us!

We need your support to keep our services running and free for everyone. We understand that spreading mental health awareness in India is a long journey, however, to keep us on the right path, we would appreciate your support and feedback. Thank you!

SYM Community Discussions

Let's work together

In the attempt to bring a change in the society's mental health, we are open to collaborate with organisations and individuals who are working towards a healthy society. You can even volunteer for the well-being of the society, click the link to know more.

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