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Making New Year's Resolutions

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

The new year is around the corner, and Tanvi, like every year, has been jotting down things in her notepad since midnight. One can believe that it's her list of the New Year's Resolutions.

What are New Year's Resolutions?

Resolutions are the decisions to do, to not do, or undo something. The purpose of making resolutions is to improvise ourselves and cut ties with the negative traits that possess us. While the new year marks a change, a refreshing start, a new door to opportunities and hope, we practice this tradition of tying ourselves up with resolutions to enter the new year with a new 'me.'

Benefits of following New Year's Resolutions
  1. Helps in self-regulation

  2. Promotes self-esteem and empowerment

  3. Helps in aiming at the practicality

  4. Provides boost and makes us feel confident

  5. Makes our goal settings clear

So, while writing down her resolutions, Tanvi ended up having her hands on the last new year's resolutions' note. She saw how she was yet to tick off a lot of resolutions, but the year was coming to an end. When she read them out, Tanvi realized that there were many unnecessary, unsuitable resolutions that she had made for herself.

Just like Tanvi, even we promise ourselves by making resolutions. But are we able to succeed? Is it because we gradually lose motivation? If yes, what is the reason behind losing it?

Factors that Influence our Resolutions

High amount of motivation

With all the buzz around, we tend to make resolutions out of excitement rather than being intellectual and planned.

Peer Pressure

We end up following what our peers resolve no matter if our goals differ from theirs.

Recent Trends

Ever since social media has been mostly controlling our lifestyle, we stick to the trends for the sake of societal validation.

We lose the motivation to accomplish our resolutions because of these influencers. At the start of the year, our level of motivation is at its peak and thus, we expect extraordinary things from ourselves. But gradually, we find the same resolutions impossible to accomplish and sideline them. So how exactly should a resolution be like?

'SMART' Resolutions

Smart is an acronym that was penned in a 1981's journal. It means- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.


A resolution should be crystal clear. It shouldn't be stated vaguely. Specifications help us in setting the time and work that needs to be poured into the resolution. It gives a complete idea of the purpose of fulfilling it.


Noting down our progress and keeping a track of our resolution benefits in understanding our pace, strengths, and limitations, and may also increase the level of motivation.


Resolutions should be achievable. Achievements do not mean taking hefty steps. Highly big resolutions make us frustrated and impatient. Instead, making smaller resolutions builds our dedication and improves work performance.


Think wisely when you make resolutions. As stated earlier, resolutions should not be influenced by any external factor. A properly thought resolution lasts longer because it is well planned and structured.


Resolutions should have a limit of time. Firstly because one cannot run behind it forever and secondly, these small victories result in satisfaction and mark progress.

'While aiming for the hilltop, celebrate the steps that you take.'

The next morning, Tanvi analyzed her goals, measured her capacity, set boundaries, and penned once again, this time with a planned mindset! She wrote-

“Resolution of making realistic resolutions throughout the year

Resolution of prioritizing my mental health

And so on…”

Takeaway Message

Sometimes we get off track because of the constant, unintentional influence happening by the factors surrounding us. This doesn't mean detaching such factors from us. Know to what extent you are supposed to believe in these factors, understand them. Everyone has got a different set of priorities and purposes in life. Explore yours by being realistic to yourself and your expectations, by being 'smart.'

Wishing you readers all the love and strength to witness this coming year! Take care of yourself.


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